Electrotherapy since 1988
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Revocation Clause

Right of cancellation/withdrawal

You may withdraw from your contractual offer in written form (e.g. letter, fax, email) and return the goods. A reason for withdrawal must not be given.

The period shall begin when this advice has been received in writing, but not however, prior to the receipt of the goods by the consignee and not prior to the fulfillment of our duties in accordance to article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 Abs. 1 and 2 EGBGB as well as our duties according to § 312e Abs. 1 section 1 of the German Civil Code (BGB) in conjunction with article 246 § 3 Introductory Law to the German Civil Code (EGBGB).

To comply with the time limit, it is sufficient that the cancellation or return of the goods be sent on time. The cancellation is to be addressed to:

Wolfsmatten 1

77955 Ettenheim


Consequences of cancellation

In the case of an effective revocation the mutually received benefits, and if so derived profits (interest rates) are to be returned.

In case you are unable to reimburse us either in total or partially for services received, you are required to offer a compensation of equal value.


For the rest, you may avoid any duty to provide compensation for any deterioration of the goods caused by the intended use by not using the goods as your own property and refraining from all actions that may affect their value.


You are obliged to bear the costs of the return shipment. Merchandise that cannot be sent via mail will be picked up at your location.

You are obliged to refund any open payments within 30 after sending off your cancellation notice.

For you, the period begins on submission of the declaration of withdrawal or return of the teaching materials and for us upon receipt of the same.


End of the information about rights of revocation.